400 Grove
400 Grove Street
Hayes Valley, San FranciscoPROPERTY TYPE
Virtual DoormanCommon Central Courtyard
Private Landscaped Roof
Private Landscaped Terraces
Private Landscaped Gardens
Private Parking
Bicycle Parking
DeveloperMaster Planner
Design Director
Property Manager
Design Architect
Fougeron ArchitectureSustainability
Bio-retention ProgramGreenPoint Rated Building
Green Roof System
Green Cleaning Program
Bicycle Parking
The Architect’s Newspaper 2016 Best of Design Award For Residential Multi-UnitAIA East Bay Residential Excellence Award
Located on Grove Street, the award-winning 400 Grove is a mixed-use luxury residential building that further enhances the neighborhood’s transformation into a vital, pedestrian-friendly urban landscape.
400 Grove’s faceted façades, inspired by classic San Francisco bay windows, are angled to capture views of Hayes Valley and the surrounding hillside neighborhoods. Its studio to two-bedroom residences will open to a central courtyard and social space shared by residents.